
I introduce myself

Live and transmit a passion

My training

I discovered Yoga based on the teachings of Swami Satyananda in Uruguay in 1990. This school invites us to become aware of all aspects of our personality by developing a deep state of introspection.

Since then, my thirst for knowledge of this inner world and its subtle and powerful processes continued to increase. It seemed more and more clear to me that my path was the practice and also the transmission of Yoga and so, for three years, I trained in this School to become a certified teacher.

In June 2000 I moved to Fontenay aux Roses in the 92, and I had the chance to meet Jocelyne Galland, director of the Yoga Center Nation in Paris and trained by Mr. Iyengar. From her, I learned the correctness of the posture and the quality of the movement nourished by the finesse of the attention.

My approach

Yoga has become my way of life and I have had the pleasure of transmitting this passion for over 20 years.

I propose to explore the relationship between body, breath and mind, in a very accessible manner, easily achieving mastery of the breath and moments of meditation-introspection.

I am always drawn to the deep balance that results from these simple practices, and which help us to be present and to manifest our inner harmony.

I believe that feeling fresh and carefree again is essential and fundamental for a life in fullness. I like to enjoy life and in my free time I dedicate myself tosculpturein earth, paper or bronce

The magic of a practice
contemporary, subtle and powerful

Offer all our cells the opportunity to express their highest intelligence.

With a deep respect for the body and its innumerable capacities, I organize my classes around a research holistic integration of being.

My intention is to provide students with a space where freedom of exploration is above all else.
Curiosity and open-mindedness are necessary in this process, as well as attentive listening and great respect and love towards oneself.

Across the freedom of play and exploration,
we offer ourselves the possibility of evolving.
The practice of Yoga then becomes an individual experience where everyone progresses by pushing their limits, while remaining attentive to their own capacities.


power, flexibility and adaptability

My practice is characterized by awareness and deep work on our diaphragms and stabilizing muscles. It is a powerful and transformative work relying on the Bandhas practice, aimed at manipulating and mastering our energies and vital forces.
In this way the body and the mind remain flexible and adaptable and by recreating links with our inner being we discover new resources and new points of view.
Once connected with the wisdom of the body, the gesture, nourished by the breath, gives birth to the movement and becomes a beautiful calligraphy in space.


connection with all possible fields.

Our body receives our breath over 25,000 times a day, and yet ... we hardly know it. Let us listen to our breath, let us be aware of it: it is changeable, it can be shy or deep, powerful or fragile. By developing it and mastering it
we improve our overall well-being.

Thanks to the thousand-year-old know-how of yoga in the field of breathing,
we have a valuable tool at our fingertips.

I recommend a practice of breathing by exploring the spaces inside the body.
These spaces shaped from the inside allow tissues, fascia and muscles to recover their freedom of movement.
Breathing brings us back to the present moment, and prepares us for meditation.


conscience and freedom

Meditation is exploring in mindfulness and benevolence the various facets that cross us: impressions, emotions, sensations, projections ...

Through meditation:
We dive into the stillness and silence that resides within us, and reconnect with our deepest needs by allowing ourselves to move beyond our limiting patterns.
In these moments we find the feeling of who we really are.
We enjoy deeper, more natural breaths, and we are one with the universe.

And at that moment, by magic, the world around us becomes a space of unique beauty.

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